Position Description

President– The President serves as the spokesperson of all student residents at the University of Connecticut. The President serves as the RHA liaison to all University divisions and exterior vendors. The President presides over the Executive Board. The President oversees the recruitment and election of Hall Association members, organizes training, retention and recognition programs for Hall Association members and serves as a resource and advocate for Hall Association members.

Vice President The Vice President governs the Hall Associations and runs the General Board meetings. The Vice President assists the President with any duties necessary.

Treasurer The Treasurer serves as the chief financial officer of RHA. The Treasurer keeps accurate records of all RHA and individual Hall Association budgets and spending, as well as oversees the disbursement of funds to the appropriate parties.

Secretary The Secretary documents all proceedings of the General Board and Executive Board. The Secretary keeps accurate membership records and an office inventory. The Secretary also manages the email, website, and other administrative tasks. The Secretary oversees the enforcement of the Constitution, Bylaws, policies and procedures of RHA.

Director of Programming The Director of Programming oversees the development and execution of campus-wide programs and events. The Director of Programming encourages efforts of Hall Associations to collaborate on programs and events.

Director of Public Relations The Director of Public Relations is responsible for the marketing and advertising of RHA and its events. The Director of Promotions is responsible for RHA’s Social Media presence. The Director of Public Relations oversees the organizational outreach to the student resident population in order to understand the residents’ concerns, grievances, and best wishes so that the organization can best serve its constituency.

Director of Advocacy The Director of Advocacy is  in charge of spearheading social justice and diversity programs that better educate the students living on campus. The Director of Advocacy ensures that all of RHA’s programs are accessible to any and all students.

National Communication Coordinator The National Communications Coordinator (NCC) represents UConn’s RHA to the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) and its affiliate, the North East Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (NEACURH). The NCC ensures UConn is affiliated both regionally and nationally, regularly communicates with RHA members from other institutions, and represents UConn in regional and national boardroom meetings of NEACURH and NACURH. The NCC is responsible for the selection and preparation of delegations to attend regional and national conferences, and oversees the bidding for regional and national awards.

RHA Advisor  The RHA Advisors are staff members of the Department of Residential Life. The Advisors serve as resources for RHA members and make RHA members aware of policies and procedures of the Department of Residential Life, student organization policies of the Department of Student Activities, and the Student Code. They assist RHA in all matters including, but not limited to legislation, programming, and conferences. Advisors help with elections and maintain a connection with Hall Association Advisors. The RHA Advisors do not have a vote on the General Board or the Executive Board.